I have tried something with ParalelPeriod, but that ended the same way. Your aesthetic skills and delivering on time will ensure your being rehired. Early If the supplier delivers or ships the requested quantities before the date requested by the customer, SAP SNC considers the quantities as early. I noticed that KPIs, as well as calculations, are calculated after we make selections in the Pivot Table (otherwise cube deployment wouldn't be so quick when I create a new KPI), so this problem should definitely have a solution. On-Time If the supplier delivers or ships the requested quantities according to the date requested, SAP SNC considers the advanced scheduling notification (ASN) item as on-time. This Trend works perfectly when I compare Time units that exist in my Time hierarchy, but if in my front-end application (for example in Excel) I filter Time dimension to only first 5 months of this and last year, I would still have Trend acting as both this and last year is selected as whole (of course, since this year has data for just 6 months, Trend would always go down). When ((.CurrentMember)-(.PrevMember)) = 0 When ((.CurrentMember)-(.PrevMember)) > 0 When (((.CurrentMember) null) or ((.PrevMember) null))

"Yqmd" is a Time dimension hierarchy that consists of Year, Quarter, Month and Date. Let's say that I want to compare quantity of sold goods. I have some trouble with trend definition, and since I don't have much experience, maybe someone here could help me with this.